I've just had to replace my satellite dish motor and when resetting up the dish I find that I can get some satellites but not all on the arch that I had before.
As per instruction on previous forum threads I have made sure that my mounting wall brackets and my mounting pole are 100% align .
My new motor mounts onto my vertical poll and the motor is set to zero. On my new motor there is adjustment to set the Latitude ( for me thats 53)
I then mounted my dish onto the motor pole and aligned with new motor , and lnb .
On my dish there is another adjustment which is for the elevation / Declination angle. This is where I am not sure I have it right -looking at you tube It say for me the elevation angle is 37 and the declination angle is 7.6 . What I have then done is take the 7.6 from 37 and this leaves a dish angle of 29.4 . This is were I think that I might be going wrong, could anybody give me any more advice.
At present I can get 28.2,19.2,16.0 and 13.0 east I cannot get Thor 0.8w which is the highest satellite to me. If I set up on Thor ( using a Horizon sat meter) I lose all the other sats listed above.