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Thread: few channels not working today

  1. #41
    V.I.P Barney's Avatar
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    HOPEFULLY A Fix will indeed be coming but will it arrive before all Transponders go totally dark ..its not looking likely ??
    Oscam devolopers have yet to respond to that open ticket and if i recall correctly there was no response when sky it started dropping out pretty fast aswell .
    i do hope im wrong however i really do : ))

  2. #42
    Cool Dude ^^COMPASS^^'s Avatar
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    This maybe what the OP is reffering too

    I have taking the following from another Forum

    Not a huge contributor on here, but am a constant user to keep updated and abreast of things, I'm not a server owner or a programmer etc, just an enthusiast who read the old threads earlier and didn't respond to any of the guesswork that was going on as basically that was all it was, uneducated guesswork.

    I know there was mention above of not posting messages regarding "My mate said this or that" etc, but I do actually know two people personally who are involved with Oscam work and programming, one of them whom I know from my university days is directly involved with the upkeep and admin at the site "Streamboard" also, there's no info more up to date than the info he has access to and that is fact.

    In an earlier thread that has since been deleted there was an actual link to Streamboard, anybody who checked it would have seen that it went into the actual technical side of what was happening, not random guesswork, having had a conversation with somebody directly involved I can confirm a few things, everything that I'm about to write will be updated and confirmed through Streamboard in due course once everything has been finalized, the only reason I'm taking the time to do this is because of the guesswork and scaremongering that's been going on, although unintentional that's pretty much all that's happened since yesterday so some facts might help put some folk at ease to an extent.

    The facts as to what is actually happening were touched upon in the above mentioned link and that is that there is nothing within the Entitlement Control Message (ECM) that is affecting things right now, so all talk of ecm changes are just nonsense, as is transponder talk.

    The problem exists within the CW (Control Word)....The actual encryption data itself

    Now this is where the technical side of it went way over my head during my conversation, but the laymans terms that I got was that the encryption has not changed in the same way it did for HD or for the same way it did with Sky Italia, the encryption is compatible with existing Sky cards, including the old white 09's which is where local cards and shared cache's get the required data to make card sharing possible, so that also makes the talk of changing over Thompson Receivers to Sky +HD nonsense also, its completely irrelevant.

    What they have done is quite clever apparently but it will 100% be worked out, the changes that will be required to be made will all be within the "oscam.config" which is basically the standard configuration file that servers use to run and make this all possible, so server owners will be getting access to an updated config file once completed and the missing channels will be back.

    This is as close to the horses mouth as you will get and I have been told categorically that this is absolutely NOT the end of cardsharing as we know it and when the config is complete and uploaded things will continue as they were once servers have been updated to the new config.

    There is a but though and that is the reasoning behind what has happened the last few days, the general feeling is that Sky were testing a few channels to see what the result was, that unfortunately is not true, Sky and anybody with a certain level of understanding of encryptions would know that no test is required, the results of the changes that were made are set in stone and known before they were put in place therefore there is no test required or needed.

    That is where the but comes in because what has happened is fixable with a configuration change, Sky and the programming engineers working with Sky know that just as much as the guys who deal with oscam, they know its fixable and can be worked around, so the actual reason behind it is a mystery.
    Its not just to disrupt or to annoy, that much is clear, but the real reason is unclear at the moment as the changes they have made don't really relate to anything they can build on long term as once worked around that's it, it cant be implemented into a different part of the whole procedure so its not clear why they did it or what the overall goal of it was but its obviously something much bigger and more complex, whether its something that could happen next week or next year nobody knows, but its clear that some serious thought and investment has been put in to this and its one of the biggest changes or moves that Sky have made to in a long time, so the general feeling from someone directly involved is that something much bigger is on the way, but as above the timescale is not known.
    Sky have obviously always taken it seriously and attempted to stop it but it looks as though they have upped the effort on it and are seriously taking steps to put an end to it long term, or at least until the technology to work around it comes to light.

    I know some people on here will no doubt rubbish everything that I have put down here because I'm not directly involved with oscam or servers and because I'm not a TK Veteran etc etc, but what I've put down will be available through streamboard in due course and a lot of it already is there to read up on, so please take the time to research a little into the technical facts of what is going on and with what I've tried to explain here and hopefully I've helped put some minds at ease a little.

  3. #43
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    Saw that last night, he certainly goes into some detail and it all sounds plausible.

    One thing is for sure, it's been an easy ride recently, and I can't see a business like sky or vm lying down while vast numbers of these boxes are being sold, in addition to the ones already in circulation. They have the answer, go cardless - but this must be a long term aspiration as it would cost a fortune to swap all the boxes out. In the short to medium term, I'm sure they would love to stop cs, as they have pretty much effectively in Italy. I think they have swapped out all the older gen boxes there though.

  4. #44
    V.I.P Barney's Avatar
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    I Hope the above story is true it at least sounds legit and realistic
    They have the answer, go cardless
    this involves internet and ethernet connections very similar like dmbox and c/s ??
    only difference would be Sky will control their own massive commercial payserver base themselves

    one things for certain they wont be able to enforce that here in Eire for quite a long time if Even Ever infact
    at least not untill Fiber broadband becomes a reality or even broadband of any description which is a very major problem
    there is still hundreds of thousands of irish peeps here struggling here with internet via a dongle or via pathetic satellite broadband at maybbe 1mb or most times a lot less than that plus days without any connection at all that is a fact !!
    it might be possible in UK since 99% is covered via fiber links but thats obviously far from a reality in Ireland .
    i thank @ ^^COMPASS^^ for this very helpfull info which brings good and bad news both to us all
    but if there can be a rather simple fix for this problem for now at least its something postive to look forward to ,
    at the very least it will allow oscam guys to show us what changes were done and what it involves to resolve those changes at least for now .
    cheers !

  5. #45
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    From reading that quote above, it seems to make sense.

    The obvious reason for doing this, is by the sounds of it, cccam will be dead, and possibly mgcamd too.

    That "should" be enough to clear the ******* sites of "gift" offerings.

  6. #46
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    read on streamboard they are starting to use ICAM encryption

  7. #47
    Cool Dude holmroad's Avatar
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    So even 'if' a solution could be found, do we assume that, say, in my case a new TM patch would be required for my TM5402HD M3 - but still a very big 'if'?

  8. #48
    Member seamouse's Avatar
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    people on a few sites say the XXX went dead last night as well,
    anyone confirm?

    we all know ( well i know ) there is a post on one of the papers a few months ago about sky will go cardless on the sky q boxes
    when i had my sky q put in a few weeks ago, was told the same, soon no need for a dish and are trying to make something like a sky q and now tv box in one.
    Last edited by seamouse; 30-03-2017 at 02:59 PM. Reason: crap spelling

  9. #49
    Cool Dude Nikkas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seamouse View Post
    people on a few sites say the XXX went dead last night as well,
    anyone confirm?

    we all know ( well i know ) there is a post on one of the papers a few months ago about sky will go cardless on the sky q boxes
    when i had my sky q put in a few weeks ago, was told the same, soon no need for a dish and are trying to make someone like a sky q and now tv box in one.
    Ashamed to admit that I can confirm several of the rubbish UK prawn channels no longer opened last night & was too shy to come straight out and report it. So thanks to seamouse for helping break the ice.

    As far as I am concerned it will be no big loss for me considering my age and the fact that I have seen the repeats shown 1000's of times. I am finding it hard to find what I would miss TBH as have mostly found enough to entertain me on Freeview & freesat these days. Not to mention other stuff like AWS, Flix, IPTV.

    From a technical perspective it's a new challenge to try and overcome which for me is a big part of what this 'hobby' has always been about.
    Last edited by Nikkas; 30-03-2017 at 11:43 AM.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nikkas View Post
    From a technical perspective it's a new challenge to try and overcome which for me is a big part of what this 'hobby' has always been about.
    I think you are spot on, this site has always been more of a hobbyist community, CS has made it too easy and has become virtually a retail offering. I won't miss it, TBH I don't watch much of it now... only the boxing really. Even if this goes, there will still be plenty of CS opportunities for those with multisat.

    Dust off the motor, and get back to finding the fta offerings and feeds!

  11. #51
    Member seamouse's Avatar
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    i have a motor dish and to be honest all my TV is via kodi and box sets

    live tv like discovery HD , History HD, H2 and the old music channel is all i used the sky q for

    sky f1 HD i watch via my cable box in HD
    so not a great lost for me on the TV as cable side working ok

  12. #52
    V.I.P catseye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky_dog View Post
    Saw that last night, he certainly goes into some detail and it all sounds plausible.

    One thing is for sure, it's been an easy ride recently, and I can't see a business like sky or vm lying down while vast numbers of these boxes are being sold, in addition to the ones already in circulation. They have the answer, go cardless - but this must be a long term aspiration as it would cost a fortune to swap all the boxes out. In the short to medium term, I'm sure they would love to stop cs, as they have pretty much effectively in Italy. I think they have swapped out all the older gen boxes there though.
    It makes you wonder by paying way over the odds to secure EPL rights, it has left the rest of the business in a bit of a pickle??

    If they hadn't paid so much,it would have given them the finances to end SD boxes for good in favour of HD ones

    Plus they haven't launched a HD channel for such a long time.You would think they would be adding a HD version at the rate of one a month

    Also if many more UKTV channels go FTA that will be another blow to them

    Kodi is hitting them hard too, theres a new campaign to stop people watching streams

    IMHO I think over next few years, Now TV boxes will be pushed more & offer HD variants too
    Its much cheaper to distribute compared to traditional methods

  13. #53
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    I done a ping on my server and noted the IP address and put it in my line instead of the server name.
    Then changed my DNS servers to public ones. and and rebooted the box.
    All clearing.


  14. #54
    V.I.P Barney's Avatar
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    can you upload screenshot of British Eurosport 1/2 ???

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyBits View Post
    I done a ping on my server and noted the IP address and put it in my line instead of the server name.
    Then changed my DNS servers to public ones. and and rebooted the box.
    All clearing.

    Sorry I'm not having that.


  16. #56
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    That does not make any sense at all...wish it was that easy..

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyBits View Post
    I done a ping on my server and noted the IP address and put it in my line instead of the server name.
    Then changed my DNS servers to public ones. and and rebooted the box.
    All clearing.

    Jings, I've heard some TOSH in my time, do you even know what a DNS server is?

    If I was to ping google I'd get it's IP address - instead of trying to remember that address, I just type google - that's what a DNS server does, whether it's your ISP/Google or some other server that that providing it.

    You really should try using google sometimes before posting - as you're making yourself seem silly.

  18. #58
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    Sorry guys but the above has worked for me.
    I am using an Openbox V8S and Mgcamd.
    I switch DHCP on and nothing clears.
    Switch DHCP off and input manually as 1st DNS and reboot and all clears.

    This would suggest that the ISP's are blocking this traffic.


  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyBits View Post
    Sorry guys but the above has worked for me.
    I am using an Openbox V8S and Mgcamd.
    I switch DHCP on and nothing clears.
    Switch DHCP off and input manually as 1st DNS and reboot and all clears.

    This would suggest that the ISP's are blocking this traffic.

    Firstly DNS and DHCP are two entirely different things.

    DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is used to give out an IP address, so instead of needing to set a static IP address on all your network devices - the DHCP server assigns an IP for a specific time period.

    DNS (Domain Name System) Is used to name a computer (host) so you don't need to know the IP address it has been assigned from the DHCP server.

    Also an ISP can't block anything on your Local network - so if your STB is using Oscam and reading a card, how do you think that your ISP has anything to do with that?

  20. #60
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    @mrdude you need to calm down.
    I am a technically competent person and do understand how networks and the internet works.
    I stated what is working for me If you choose not to believe me it's your loss not mine.

    Has anyone else had the same results as myself?


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