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Thread: TM story continiu

  1. #1
    V.I.P DARKMAN's Avatar
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    Icon13 TM story continiu

    Hello from Korea..

    Haw all see TM 800 is all out of orders even TM never even like to tell truth about their project of It gate FAIL....

    ( from 3 months we have see nothink only some fake s/w fix bla bla bla )

    Now they have start new Story ....

    After trying Copy Enigma 2...they are trying copy SPIDERBOX.( This is Confirm )

    Hubteck and It Gate Inginers have got the Spiderbox and are trying to copy our Box.
    Is really Shame for TM, from then they have lose Big Traler, they do not know haw to handell thinks only traing to copy S/w ....
    This looks again not profesional for their business and looks clear without some one here .lol they will not go long....

    This information come again from Korean Inginers ....of Hubtech and Itgate...they now have build new HW with STI cpu...they have ready band it the Nxp cpu...

    But they have 3 months working but still with Not success...That will not be easy for them Spiderbox has more the a Year development...

    This show again the Spiderbox is LEADER in UK market and not only UK.. TM owner do bot be clever trying to get by copy the hard job of some one else like all ways on the past you done...

    All members will come to complain in this thread here is Darkman who help them for several of years....and do not go in personal Attack..this is just to let you the truth of the real underground Story of TM.


    I do not know haw thy going to realise they new progcts by for certen i will gave them hard time they copy Spiderbox prommes i will end up with some think better...

  2. #2
    V.I.P snakie's Avatar
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    isnt spiderbox also a copy of mvision?
    and i hope this post wont be deleted.

  3. #3
    Admin hda5's Avatar
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    Spiderbox isn't a copy of MVision m8.

    It's like IPBox and Cuberevo are the same box just badged under a different name.

  4. #4
    V.I.P Friendly-Face's Avatar
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    even Mvision is not a box , just produced on the same factory as long as i know :-) so neither of this boxes are copies but they are labeld with diferent names, and then the teams bihind this boxes have made some own software modifications as i can see it

  5. #5
    V.I.P snakie's Avatar
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    Last years is always like this in the factories, 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 factories taking designs of the other boxes and creating "new boxes on the block , with new brandnames".
    We have all seen this a couple of hundreds times , so my question is :
    What if they want to copy spiderbox?

  6. #6
    Senior Member FENEKI's Avatar
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    so my question is every one copy Dreambox and the copy 2 Spiderbox did the same like Dreambox that mine anyone dose the same

    anew box is cameing out soon and they say it better then the spider,and in three months time anewer box is cameing better then the TM three months time anewer box is cameing better then the Dreambox

    money money money money LOL

  7. #7
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    the thing is that these box are only used for one thing thas is cs ( CCcam ) and no one realy cares as long as they are easy to programme ie:- usb stick software or firmware and can take the new version of CCcam who care :respect-040:

  8. #8
    V.I.P Plessy's Avatar
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    Why Do You Waste your Time ?

    Quote Originally Posted by DARKMAN View Post
    Hello from Korea..

    Haw all see TM 800 is all out of orders even TM never even like to tell truth about their project of It gate FAIL....

    ( from 3 months we have see nothink only some fake s/w fix bla bla bla )

    Now they have start new Story ....

    After trying Copy Enigma 2...they are trying copy SPIDERBOX.( This is Confirm )

    Hubteck and It Gate Inginers have got the Spiderbox and are trying to copy our Box.
    Is really Shame for TM, from then they have lose Big Traler, they do not know haw to handell thinks only traing to copy S/w ....
    This looks again not profesional for their business and looks clear without some one here .lol they will not go long....

    This information come again from Korean Inginers ....of Hubtech and Itgate...they now have build new HW with STI cpu...they have ready band it the Nxp cpu...

    But they have 3 months working but still with Not success...That will not be easy for them Spiderbox has more the a Year development...

    This show again the Spiderbox is LEADER in UK market and not only UK.. TM owner do bot be clever trying to get by copy the hard job of some one else like all ways on the past you done...

    All members will come to complain in this thread here is Darkman who help them for several of years....and do not go in personal Attack..this is just to let you the truth of the real underground Story of TM.


    I do not know haw thy going to realise they new progcts by for certen i will gave them hard time they copy Spiderbox prommes i will end up with some think better...

    Do The Compare Add again !!!

    Compare Renault Van With Nissan Version or Opel Version,,,,,

    Compare the Ford Fiesta with Masda Version......


    Every manufacture is in this buisness for one thing and ONE THING ONLY !

    ******************PROFIT********* **********


    You Are NOT Unique !

    I respect your Business propositions ! But Please Do Not Blind the rest of us to the Fact That THERE ARE MANY MORE like you trying to turn a few bob and make a profit !:respect-066:

    Many Manufactures share Designs and specifications to make future modifications to profit the Consumer.....

    We the Consumer are tired of Propaganda that One is Better than the Other I.E Spiderbox V's Technomate....

    What Ever the End consumer is happy with Is ALL THAT MATTERS ......

    Please Don't Resurrect OLD Tales from the past......

    I wish you the very best with your future Endeavours and I hope you are profitable......

    I will Not be buying a SpiderB*X if you Think So ..........

    Best Wishes

    Plessy .:ack2:

  9. #9
    V.I.P Giga's Avatar
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    Icon14 Researcher improves satellite reception with simple multi-cores

    STB's have a lifespan over 6 months. If you would have an innovative receiver maybe you could tempt me to buy a receiver from your organization like one with:
    a multi-processor system-on-a-chip with a the Hydra-network interface
    A researcher at the University of Twente poses that a chip with a network of simple processors, which work together efficiently, would lead to better dvb-s receivers.

    "New communication standards provide a higher quality picture and sound, which ensures that more information should be sent. Since the spectra remains the same, complex digital calculations require the information to send the same spectra," said Marcel van Burgwal of the Centre for Telematics and Information Technology of the UT Twente. To meet the increasing complexity manufacturers adding more units in large quantities to cope with, the memory bus becomes a bottleneck.

    The Burgwal and his colleagues propose to use a multi-processor system-on-a-chip , where math units are connected indirectly to all other math units. The system-on-a-chips he uses contains a network of very simple cores of a few square millimeters. They are much smaller and more economical than, say, a meshed networks Tilera processor

    while the chips for satellite TV can be deployed to a grid of antennas and therefore form a 'virtual dish'. This would improve mobile reception in particular. And would allow you to have a big virtual dish without the need to buy dishes over 1 meter. You could combine 2 or 3 one meter dishes
    (however ....)
    Last edited by Giga; 21-10-2010 at 07:08 PM.

  10. #10
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    sorry Giga but i disagree wen you say: "STB's have a lifespan over 6 months". I think a satellite receiver as a a lifespan until is stopping working, I own a Humax 5400 (first model) and is still going strong apart from the remote control, and is still plenty of support for this receiver. I bought a TM 6900HD super+ 2 years ago, because i wanted a receiver with: HD, USB, and LAN. I think this are the most important thinks on a receiver at the moment in time for me, and if i will make a plunge on a new receiver next time i will go for a linux one, but I think my TM6900 as still plenty of life left

  11. #11
    V.I.P Giga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony52 View Post
    sorry Giga but i disagree wen you say: "STB's have a lifespan over 6 months". I think a satellite receiver as a a lifespan until is stopping working
    Think we're saying the same: buy new receiver when current one stops working: not what DM likes us to do.
    If I would buy additional new receiver: big virtual dish or transmissions change to 2K or 4K resolution
    Last edited by Giga; 21-10-2010 at 03:03 PM.

  12. #12
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    I love my TM1500ci, more EPL footy than you can shake a stick at courtesy of Bulsat, 4 channels of Discovery, 2 adult channels (24x7) its an incredible piece of kit.

    Arachnophobia Rules, stick with good old TM

  13. #13
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    here a question for you what was out first the tm or the spiderbox

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheild 10 View Post
    here a question for you what was out first the tm or the spiderbox
    i don't know what is your point mate but i had echostar mvision and tm...and i think tm is best...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by bezzabezza View Post
    I love my TM1500ci, more EPL footy than you can shake a stick at courtesy of Bulsat, 4 channels of Discovery, 2 adult channels (24x7) its an incredible piece of kit.

    Arachnophobia Rules, stick with good old TM

    Same here I got my TM1000 back in 2005 for £70 best bit of kit ever still works rock soild. Never looked back its the most stablest reciever out there best boxes to drive motors.

    I had a DM500 & 7020 but you cant beat just loading the softcam and get a picture striahgt away without hassle of a phone line.

    Hopefully theres more to come with the patches

    I think the technomates are no good for cs tho but great with softcams. I mean even if the technomate crashes which its only ever done a couple of time in the 5 years i had it , it reboots itself too amazing picture lol .

    If you want cs go down the linux box route.
    Last edited by OKI_320; 22-10-2010 at 01:24 AM.

  16. #16
    V.I.P Plessy's Avatar
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    Satisfied Technomate Users !

    Morning Folks !

    All I Can say is There are a Lot Of Happy Satisfied Technomate Users STILL Amongst us and fair play to all !

    I still have an old DOS 3.1 pc running to this day which was never affected by the "so called" Y2K Bug !

    Yes Pc's in the past were Doubling Processing Power every six months or so back in the 90's...
    THEN Most people threw them away cause they didn't know what they Had / Or how to use them..... Lots of Waste ! Major Landfill Sites !

    Where did that lead us ?

    Government levies on Disposal,,,,,, More Tax, Bigger levies, More Politicians and fatter waste lines......

    I have said what I can say so I will say No More !

    Darkman !

    I hope your are Reading...........

    Enjoy the "Jazz Weekend" folk's in Eíre.....


  17. #17
    Senior Member squig's Avatar
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    the new image to be released by the Ur team for the tm 800 form whatim being told has sorted 99.9% of the problems out .Yes it has taken a while but it's a great box . What i cant undersatnd Darkman (and i respect you ) where has this hated for technomate cam from ? what technomate what have they done to you .it's very strnage indeed why you constantly attck them and no other manufacturer ???

  18. #18
    V.I.P paul01609's Avatar
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    loved my TM 1500 was my very first box

  19. #19
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squig View Post
    the new image to be released by the Ur team for the tm 800 form whatim being told has sorted 99.9% of the problems out .Yes it has taken a while but it's a great box . What i cant undersatnd Darkman (and i respect you ) where has this hated for technomate cam from ? what technomate what have they done to you .it's very strnage indeed why you constantly attck them and no other manufacturer ???
    we were promised this on the TM9100 box ( which I still own ) and yet although UR18 is the most stable we never get a fully stable and reliable image from UKUR or dsteam or edg nemesis and in fact I always found the nabilo dm image with ds dual boot to be the most reliable image. its time these people sorted out stable images for boxes they already supported because I have no faith in any teams new efforts if all I have to base this on is previous efforts , UR24 was hopeless so I reverted back to UR18 and neither TM or UR or EDG or DSTEAM ever made stable images on that TM9100 I mentioned , and believe me I was a fan of TM having bought a few and use a clarketech 1500 for dish alignments still

    Quote Originally Posted by paul01609 View Post
    loved my TM 1500 was my very first box
    tm1500 was my second box after the samsung 9500 viaci , and still have both boxes and both still working too , and TM9100 was my first linux box which again I still own and use

    frankly I have little faith in any new TM,s , see my comments above on the TM9100 images for details

  20. #20
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    Icon7 TM saga

    Fascinating variety of views and comments guys. There is no doubt that the A***t/DM views are about market control and with it profit but I have always found DM fair. The box discussion is dependant on what you want to do. I still have an Echostar 3600 working well and my TM 5500 still does a great job. The TM 6900 is a good workhorse and as OKI says, just loading the softcam is a doddle and 39e works too!! and HD is good, but the varied views on Ipbox,Cuberevo and Azbox just show the need to be careful. I personally will always love the Dreamboxes - 7000s still going great - despite 'death' at least 50 times over 6-7 years, and the DM 8000 is living up to its hipe if overpriced. Just a shame the hobby has gone to the great british greed and profit motive. D2Mac was so simple!!!!! Cheers - Brain

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