in theory , yes , you would use the latest oscam, but in practice its not necessary to do this frequently, but there is no reason why you cannot have 2 or 5 or 10 oscam bin files and the startup files in your emulators by utilising the usr/camscript files , one for each oscam, then select each oscam separately and check it out ( I press blue to see which one is in use at any time, so I keep the old one whilst testing the newer ones)

you only need one working oscam and typically I would only update a couple of times a year, never erasing the older ones until I am happy that the new ones are working properly, so do not obsess about it , the difference between the 2 above is maybe one or two weeks of changes, neither here nor there imho

powervu is tricky to get your head around , so dont run before you can walk

we have no idea what you actually need, everyone is different (sometimes be thankful for what you have got)