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Thread: 27.5 West guide

  1. #61
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    I have read the 27.5W guide several times.
    Does not mean I understand it or know why or how each of the steps work.
    I have tried to follow the instructions as written.
    Can't find any reference to Oscam Emu in the guide.
    Had a look at but not sure which version of the Emu files I should install for BH 3.0.5L

  2. #62
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    the first link post #2 has an attachment which is oscam and labelled for BH , so always use oscam for BH if BH is installed (common sense) - it also explains the different things to do depending if BH , VIX or PLI images are used

    do NOT use vix or pli files if using BH

    that link from mickha was , so read post #2 carefully

    the top sticky thread in your link above has the BH oscam emus in it , my post #8 in that thread also mentioned ftp`ing the ipk file to tmp and using the addon installer in the menu to install it

    bear in mind that some oscam installers only install the bin file, and dont contain the config files

    others will include EVERYTHING


    getting your head around oscam is a separate topic and not specifically for channels on 27.5w

    the person who posted that 27.5w guide probably thinks those following it already know the basics on image installation (the OS like BH or whatever)and also oscam installation and usage too

    and as mickha correctly says , when you install the OS there is one emu listed , the CI for the common interface (for when a cam is plugged in)

    installing oscam will mean 2 options are available , using left and right arrows , adding mgcamd would create a third option, etc (you can also choose NONE as well)

    if using oscam-ymod then that name should pop up, whereas using a different oscam may use another onscreen name, like plain old oscam

    when replying , you should be telling us the image installed and version number (like BH 3.05L), and the oscam and version installed as an addon , plus it needs to be selected and saved (pressing the blue button allows you to find and select it in BH)

    I have edited that post #2 into BH only for you


    download the oscam-ymod ipk for blackhole below
    put ipk file on a usb stick plug it in to your box
    it will then prompt to install it

    EDIT, or ftp to tmp and install using menu - addons - ipk installer

    ftp to /etc/tuxbox/config
    and delete everything inside these 3 files

    and replace with data below
    nothing needs to be in oscam.server for 27.5 to work

    download THE LATEST oscam.keys
    and ftp to /etc/tuxbox/config

    restart oscam on your image
    go to a 27.5 west channel

    if you get no picture
    go to your plugin openwebif
    enable yes
    authentication no
    port 80
    restart enigma2

    once working i show how to lock that down
    with port of your choice


  3. #63
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    I see some BBC channels with 6.2 openpli on DM900HD just using only Cccam2.3.2

  4. #64
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    Thanks for your help and explanations, much appreciated.Today's daft question.
    How do I restart oscam?
    Had a look through the menus and couldn't find a specific "restart oscam"

  5. #65
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    Press the Blue button, select Oscam, and press the OK button.
    Or do you mean restart your receiver, or GUI, Generated User Interface, both options are in the shut down menu.

  6. #66
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    Thanks. I needed to restart oscam. I was aware of the two in the shut down menu
    I think I have fallowed the instructions correctly but when a select BBC1, a 27.5W channel, I get information about the channel and then a blank screen.
    Last edited by gerryh; 28-07-2018 at 08:54 AM.

  7. #67
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    Which version, or versions, of Oscam have you got loaded on your receiver?
    When you press the Blue button, on your remote, what information shows up?

    Personally I never watch British television so I haven't bothered looking at 27.5W, or installing the necessary keys.

    Can you please post a detailed guide, od what you've done so far, so that other members, viewing 27.5W, on a VU+ receiver, can help you.

  8. #68
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    all the various steps need to have been followed, including transferring the various files into various places, using chmod to alter them to read/write from read only (755 from 644) , using the latest oscam keys from a file by "informed" after placing said file in the correct folder on the VU

    mgcamd v1.38 can also be used instead of oscam, but again the correct files by "informed" need to be in the correct place (the keys)

    failure to do everything correctly will mean a blank screen even if the correct 27.5w sat and transponder etc are used

    so ensure those 4 bbc altered files have been transferred to the bin folder and chmod to 755

    the latest catseye channel list may also help, because certain tweaks are used to make this hack work

    that is why that 27.5w guide is so complicated , plus it was written some time ago so some files may have been superceded

    so name and version of image being used ?
    name and version of oscam being used ? (also that it is selected under the blue button)
    date of the keys file being used and the location it was transferred to ?

    that the 4 bbc files were transferred to the bin folder and chmod to 755 (change the attributes)

    the name and date of the channel list that was installed using dreamset or dreamboxedit ?

    that any other steps were also followed

  9. #69
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    Thanks for the reply, been out most of today.
    Must confess that I don't understand most of what you are saying.
    My fault not yours.

    so name and version of image being used ?
    Blackhole 3.0.5.L

    name and version of oscam being used ? (also that it is selected under the blue button)
    Using the blue button it says that there are 3 cams installed
    Pressing the OK button on each one in turn, to restart them, gives a black screen when I select BBC1 on for each of them.

    date of the keys file being used and the location it was transferred to ?
    The key files are dated 12/12/2014 which are the latest Biss codes which I succesfully use on my Technomate STB.
    Key file located in /etc/tuxbox/config

    that the 4 bbc files were transferred to the bin folder and chmod to 755 (change the attributes)
    Sorry but what 4 bbc files and wherev is the bin folder?

    the name and date of the channel list that was installed using dreamset or dreamboxedit ?
    Once again what channel list?
    I'm using Dreambox Control Center

    Once again I repeat I appreciate your help and I apologise for my lack of knowledge in this area.


  10. #70
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    whilst those keys and keyfile may still work, you do appreciate its a 4 year old file and the latest posted keys on this forum are the dreambox keys posted as by INFORMED yesterday I believe ? shows the 4 bbc files and I have now just highlighted them in orange

    then it says this

    use dreambox control centre
    send all four files to /usr/bin
    right click each file select attributes
    tick 755
    click ok
    so it says put them in usr/bin , this means go to var/bin or usr/bin on the vu and transfer them over, then chmod them to 755 as it clearly states

    I have just highlighted those instructions in the colour plum

    your VU does not come with a channel list and neither does the blackhole image , and so you need to install one, there were several ways of doing this, the usual method is people install the one by catseyes by downloading it and installing it using dreamboxedit or dreamset , but other people may install one using the plugins menu and getting one from the BH website - various options to do this

    this also gives you an up to date channel list file called lamedb which is mentioned in that old guide (so that file is an old file if you obtained it from that 4 year old post - the latest catseyes list has the latest lamedb file - however, you might decide to put in the amended catseye channel list settings for enigma2 file I posted some time ago in the enigma 2 settings forum

    ie:- you have not told us how and why your box has a channel list (enigma 2 settings folder) installed

    DCC is not used for installing a channel list , dreamset or dreamboxedit are

    have you looked at the latest dreambox key files by informed on here ? (posted by powercisco)

    have you looked in the enigma 2 settings forum on here and looked at the catseye sticky thread ?

    perhaps you should ?

  11. #71
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    Thanks again for your reply and patience.
    I will work my way through your reply.

  12. #72
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    the usual method is people install the one by catseyes by downloading it

    Sorry to be dense yet again but I searched this site for user catseyes and couldn't find any posts.


  13. #73
    V.I.P Detlef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gerryh View Post
    the usual method is people install the one by catseyes by downloading it

    Sorry to be dense yet again but I searched this site for user catseyes and couldn't find any posts.

    There you go:

    Search failed because you spelt his monika wrongly
    Last edited by Detlef; 28-07-2018 at 07:53 PM.

  14. #74
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    Hi Detlef
    Thanks for the link.

  15. #75
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    I seemed to have added an S where it shouldnt be

    so bear in mind we give you general guidance as to what to use etc, but the names may be slightly different and files and emus and settings and images etc may be scattered in different places on this forum , could be in settings , could be in emus , could be in images for your box , could be in the keys sections

    and your box can have various images and files installed, but a lot of it crosses all borders between dreamboxes, VU boxes , Zgemma boxes etc , probably other linux based boxes too. this isnt a simple box with one image , one set of keys , one this , one that or one the other

    its an adaptable box that can be multi layered and have several ways to do a particular job , so the catseye channel list may be able to be installed from the addons from the BH server and listed under settings or similar, as well as using the channel editoprs on a laptop

    so blue , yellow , addons download manager , black hole settings , catseye E2 settings april (Black Hole E2) will also install the catseye channel list, which is why I asked you which channel list you had installed and from where, seeing as there several available , the catseye ones are a good place to start (but others like vhannibal are also available)

  16. #76
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    So what you are saying is it isn't easy for a total beginner like me to set up a VU+ Zero box to receive BBC channels etc via Intelast 907, 27.5W?
    Has anybody on this forum actually done what I am trying to do?
    Last edited by gerryh; 29-07-2018 at 09:32 AM.

  17. #77
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    The VU+ Zero is an Enigma 2 receiver, which takes a bit of work, at first, bu it's very similar to the VU+ Solo 2, and the guide shows you that it can be done.
    What you need to do is take it one step at a time, you've already learned how to load an image, use a FTP program, Filezilla, and load Cams.
    Now you just need to learn how to edit/replace files, using Filezilla, and change attributes.
    It's actually more simple than you think, and just takes a little patience.
    For example changing a folder to 755, all you need to do is navigate to the files, using Filezilla, right click and select File Attributes/File permissions, change it to 755 and click OK.

    I would advise you to make your own guide, as you progress, so that you can refer back, at for future use.

    Start a new word do***ent, and type a step by step guide, in your own words, that you can understand, and keep adding to it, as you learn new things.

  18. #78
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gerryh View Post
    So what you are saying is it isn't easy for a total beginner like me to set up a VU+ Zero box to receive BBC channels etc via Intelast 907, 27.5W?
    Has anybody on this forum actually done what I am trying to do?
    your assumptions are probably correct , but yes lots of people have done what you are trying to do, they all started somewhere

    my view is that you are like somebody at flight training school, who bought a plane and has promised to fly it from glasgow to the south of france in time for the monaco grand prix, with 3 months to learn to fly it, but until this point you have only flown as a passenger in one , or serviced one as a mechanic

    the steps you are trying to do are large topics in their own right , I assume that when you learned to drive you did not do it in a day or even in a few weeks, but it was a step by step process of both learning the highway code, learning to navigate , learning the controls on the vehicle , reading road signs , avoiding other road users , such that eventually , months or years later, you passed your test

    even at that point you werent a formula one driver yet you are taking a testarossa out on a track day a few days after passing your test and dreaming of being lewis hamilton

    my point ? its hard enough to set up an unfamiliar linux box to get say BBC1 HD by installing an OS image , installing a channel list like the catseye E2 list , setting up usals , then you try and open a few channels with cccam and mgcamd and oscam , thereby learning the ropes with emus , then trying biss keys etc

    you also have to use the menu button and sub menus , the coloured buttons that give various sub menus , learning what addons do what jobs and why

    then you have to learn to use DCC , DREAMBOXEDIT or DREAMSET , Vu Control Centre ; FTP programs , Notepad++ , etc

    once you have mastered each of those stages , the instructions for 27.5w and the replies given start to make sense

    members here tend to reply on the basis that somebody has learned the ABC (Accelerator , Brake , Clutch) of the box they have bought and are looking to improve their basic skills to a higher level, which on linux boxes tends to mean understanding some linux commands etc , learning and using specific programs for windows pc,s , and navigating forums like pimps to find the various information and files etc that are required

    even seasoned linux box users were getting bogged down with these channels which was why that guide was written a few years ago , it was intended to get people from intermediate stage up to a higher level (probably not beginners)

    I checked my vu solo 2 yesterday on 27.5w and those channels opened in oscam and mgcamd as well (but not cccam)

    I also know it took me a while to get my head around it 4 years ago , plus I have owned a dreambox for over 10 years so didnt start from the beginning

    the VU boxes are superb, but the level of knowledge required is much higher than say a simpler spiderbox or a technomate or icecrypt

    nb:- this is the warning on the goldwafers website about boxes like yours

    Please Note: This box is offered for sale to competent enthusiasts with knowledge of networking, FTP, and Telnet/SSH.

  19. #79
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    Hi echelon
    Thanks for your post.
    You sum up my situation very well.
    Yes I am trying to run before I have learnt to walk and I am getting very frustrated with myself that I can't learn all I need instantly.
    I shall plod on trying to understand the steps that I need to enable me to watch BBC progs etc that are transmitted from the Intelsat 907 satellite.
    I now realise it isn't easy and simple.
    Hopefully I might get it sorted out before the satellite gets replaced, I understand it is near the end of it's life.
    BBC might not pay to use the services of the new satellite as their programmes are only there for backup purposes and unless you know the BISS codes then you can't receive them.
    Anyway many thanks to all of you who have tried to help me.

  20. #80
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    no problem, but start from the ground up

    image installation and updating to the latest version by using the menus - CHECK
    NETWORKING setup from your router - check
    install a catseye channel list or similar list and try it on say 28.2 east , 13 east or 19 east etc first

    install mgcamd v1.38 for your chosen image and select it in the sub menu under blue (altering its various files accordingly)
    copy the latest keys into various folders like the keys folder using an FTP program

    now try a biss type channel like maybe on 10 east and get it to open in mgcamd

    try a test C line or N line in mgcamd and check you open the associated channels

    then try installing cccam and follow the same path as in mgcamd

    then install an oscam and follow the same path as mgcamd

    you can install all 3 emus (or more) and switch between them using the blue button in BH

    finally, when you can try various sats under FTA channels and then under biss etc (and maybe C line or N line ones too), are you ready to try the ones on 27.5w

    in other words I had already learned to do most of the above from 2008 to 2014 when the 27.5w guide was published
    and even then it took some head scratching before I opened those biss channels on 27.5w

    I seem to remember that even the channel list lame.db file (or some other file) had to have some idents altered and the discussion threads about this went on for quite a while (and you MAY find that the catseye list wont work without any adaptation , cant remember now , but its deffo complicated as that thread and the explanations point out)

    so assemble the various tools and files we told you about

    get comfortable using ftp and telnet etc , and changing attributes (chmod) on files , so you get the gist

    get used to stopping and starting the box using telnet as described in that guide

    but you are correct, rome wasnt built in a day and I think the 27.5w channels are a step too far until you have mastered the basics and successfully opened other channels proving that you have learned the ABC and beyond

    good luck

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