Hi First of all happy New Year to you and your family and everyone on this forum.. Problem with the 6000HD box is that it has a known bug that when deleting unwanted sats and channels can cause problems with memory loss...which is why occassionally you get the continuos reboot fault. To rectify this you need to reflash the box using the RS232 and pc method to restore the memory. I agree the manual is not very user friendly. Despite all this its still a very good box for what you pay. As you have a motorized dish then you should be able to pick up loads of channels from different sats. It has IPTV functions which can be very useful ,i use it a lot to create my own lists. It has the IKS/Mscam/CCCam options . You need to remember that you can only have maximum of 6000 channels(tv and radio) . I personally would try to avoid other people channel list and create your own as you go along. In my opinion you cannot go wrong with this box..i have many friends and family members who have this box and are very happy with it. Regards