I have scanned hotbird tonight and my 1500 won't find ***view 12360 27500 H and when I put in the TP and scan it scans another frequency! any ideas what is wrong?
I have scanned hotbird tonight and my 1500 won't find ***view 12360 27500 H and when I put in the TP and scan it scans another frequency! any ideas what is wrong?
Not sure about wrong scan but SV signal is way down to rest of
Hotbird. Have all chans on one Sat. 5 on another & new STB
won't pick them up. Have you tried 12092 H 27500 3\4
Regards catoro.
Perhaps signal was stonger due to weather conditions. Think I'm
using 12092. Downstairs STB wouldn't see 12360. That has 5 off
but a lot of bouqet missing. Tried wiping & rescanning. My new
STB have sent back as missing a lot of chans on Hotbird & Hispasat.
Did a test with old, reset to default, STB & pulled in all chans !!
Still, glad your sorted.
Regards catoro.