In the market for a move to an HD box.

I am familiar with Dreambox 500, Relook & Mutant .

I see we have the Dreambox 800 & forthcoming 8000

Also cuberevo HD and Mini (900 & 910 i think).

Am i right in thinking the mini and 800 are a match for each other. Single tuner and ability to put an external harddrive.

The Cuberevo HD and 8000 are a bit unclear. I believe the cuberevo has twin tuner and ability to mount internal HDD. What about the 8000. Also there seems to be a considerable price difference.

The last bit regarding cuberevo is the nuts and bolts of flashing, ftp and emu's.

Does it need flashing, can it read my sky card and connect to CCCam.

Any help gretaly appreciated.

