thanks echelon..thought that might be the case as i'd had no joy looking here. Another Q if i may. I have a twin lnb looking at feed goes direct to a satrecvr in one room..the other feed goes into a 4-way diseqc switch and on to another room with another 2 lnb feeds i.e. one input on the diseqc is currently spare.
When I set it up i had a devil of a job with the recvr working off the 4 in 1 diseqc as signal strength dropped on Hotbird or the other sats..the direct- fed recvr was fine. I chopped and changed the inputs in to the diseqc switch from the 3lnbs..not very scientific i know ..and after a fair bit of piddling about all was well. Why was that?..anyone else tried putting a twin lnb into 2 recvrs like I did?..with one box fed via a diseqc switch.