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Thread: Twin lnb

  1. #1
    V.I.P steviejb's Avatar
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    Twin lnb

    I have at the moment a fixed dish pointing to 13E and have got hold of one of those twin monoblock lnb's which will get me hotbird and astra 19e, obviously the hotbird lnb will be clamped into the bracket, but where does the other lnb go if you're looking at the dish - on the left or on the right?

  2. #2
    Verified Registered User NeasdenNW10's Avatar
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    I've posted this before, on the old dudes site. That is how I set up 13 and 19 east for my daughter.
    13 east, hotbird, clamped and is central focused. Offset is for 19 east.
    Last edited by NeasdenNW10; 11-01-2008 at 10:55 PM.

  3. #3
    V.I.P steviejb's Avatar
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    So the astra lnb goes on the left, thanks for the pics NeasdenNW10. very helpful.

  4. #4
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steviejb View Post
    So the astra lnb goes on the left, thanks for the pics NeasdenNW10. very helpful.
    it goes on the left if looking from the front of the dish , and to the left of that you may fit another lnb for 28 east

    so from the front of the dish the lnbs go towards the left if looking for eastern sats , and the further left you go the more easterly the sats become , and the higher they go too , so the left hand lnb should be higher then the right

    but if you were BEHIND THE DISH the astra 19 lnb would be on the right of the arm

    so it depends which perspective you are looking at

  5. #5
    Verified Registered User NeasdenNW10's Avatar
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    Yes, dish focused on Hotbird(13e), signal from Astra (19e) comes in lower from the east. It is reflected by the dish and picked up by an lnb slightly higher and to the west.
    Basic physics, angle of incidence = angle of reflection, and all that stuff learnt over 50 years ago.
    PS. Ech beat me to it.

  6. #6
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    I am just experimenting with a zone 2 raven dish and multiblock lnb holder , so here are some pictures of it in a temporary site , with hotbird on the right ( dish lined up onto hotbird ) , astra 19 is in the middle just to the left of hotbird and I am just needing to adjust the left hand lnb for astra 28 east
    the dish lnb arm needed extending and the 2 lnb,s for 13 and 19 east are touching each other which shows how the 6 degree separation is so tight , and is what prevents ppl getting 5e , 7e , 10e ,13e , 16e and 19e unless they use the alps slimline lnb,s etc

    the 3 lnb,s shown below are all cheap skyware lnb,s removed from the sky lnb holders , and are perfect for standard 40mm collar lnb holders
    you can also use the sky plus 4 way quad lnb,s as well , although some have plastic lugs that need filing down

    the 3 cables are going to a 4-way diseqc switch bought for £7 including p+p from a well known auction site

  7. #7
    Verified Registered User NeasdenNW10's Avatar
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    Just a thought Echelon, now that the birds at 13east are stronger. Would it even things up by focussing on 19east and having offsets on 13east and 28east? More of a balanced set up I would have thought.
    Other than that, best wishes for you experimenting.

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    Just another thought to add,the sliding arm that goes across the dish that the LNB's are attached could that be of a step being as LNB's go higher and that may give that bit more to play with.

  9. #9
    V.I.P chrome307's Avatar
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    That's very impressive what you've managed to do echelon , can you let us know what the inclination is for the arm ??

  10. #10
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeasdenNW10 View Post
    Just a thought Echelon, now that the birds at 13east are stronger. Would it even things up by focussing on 19east and having offsets on 13east and 28east? More of a balanced set up I would have thought.
    Other than that, best wishes for you experimenting.
    I did try a couple of days ago with astra 19e as prime focus but was struggling , so went back to hotbird as prime focus

    I have just fitted this onto the sidewall in its final resting place above the garage roof , and added a 4th lnb on 42 east as well

    so from left to right from the front of the dish ( lnb side ) , its

    turk sat 42e - astra 28e - astra 19e - hotbird 13e

    and you can clearly see the lnbs rising the further left you go , as the metal multiblock lnb holder is designed for this task , albeit its actually for a different dish than my zone 2 raven , meaning some drilling and dish-arm lengthening had to go on !!


    ps:- I have also fitted another zone 2 dish at the rear of the property with a sly quad lnb and aligned just on 30 west and this works fine too

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    monoblock question

    Talking to sat installer about my plans to fit a twin output monoblock running to two receivers in different rooms (because the dragon refuses to share with any other cam) he told me because you set the diseq on the receiver I would need two single lnbs on an adjustable arm similar to echelons, but then I'd only be able to view one sat (say astra) in one room and the other (hotbird) in the second room. I am confused, do I need a single mb, twin mb or two seperate lnbs??

  12. #12
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    best bet is to do it like mine , but have twin output or quad output lnb,s on each holder , which is probably my next job as I have some sly quads from fleabay for the task ahead ( sly plus quad lnb,s )

    so with twin or quad output lnb,s you can have 2 receivers working fine , using two 4-way diseqc switches

    each receiver connects to its own 4 way diseqc switch ( about £7 for each switch from fleabay delivered ) and you connect up to 4 lnb outputs to the switch , and up to 4 lnb outputs to the other switch

    so in my example above I could fit twin or quad lnbs to each saddle , then have 2 switches running on 2 cables , 1 cable to each receiver from its own switch

    then each receiver can have any channel from the 4 sats , so one receiver of mine (technomate) is currently on hotbird and the other (samsung) is on 30 west ( you cannot see the similar zone 2 dish I have on 30 west as its round the back of the house !! )

    so the answer for you is to fit 1 dish as big as possible , say 90cm or 110cm triax ( or even 2 or 3 dishes ) , and have a multi lnb holder on the triax , then fit twin or quad output lnb,s on the sats you want to duplicate , then fit 2 diseqc switches and connect to 2 receivers ( I use a samsung 9500 viaci with latest patch , and a tm1500ci+ with latest patch )

    triax do a 4 way multiblock holder that retails for about £20 delivered , and this fits the arm on the 90 and 110 cm dishes

    raven do arms for their 90cm range , and gilbertini also do arms like mine for their bigger dishes like say 90cm

    and there is the force frontier dishes too , taking 4 lnbs on a single dish

  13. #13
    Verified Registered User NeasdenNW10's Avatar
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    Superb installation and great pics, many thanks for showing them. Just goes to show that the so called professionals do not know a thing when it comes to experimenting and getting multiple satellites from one fixed dish.
    Well done again and power to your elbow for any future projects that you have in mind.

  14. #14
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrome307 View Post
    That's very impressive what you've managed to do echelon , can you let us know what the inclination is for the arm ??
    no idea m8 ( how would I tell ? )

    just screwed it all together having made some bolt holes , and added a piece of arm from a sly 43cm raven dish , held together by some old offcuts of wood !!!
    ( this lengthens the main arm from 13 inches to 15 inches from the rear of the dish where it normally sits )

    then it was a case of adjusting the arm length whilst watching the signal strength , and being able to get the astra and hotbird lnb,s in the right place , albeit they are touching each other , and had to hacksaw part of the hotbird lnb holder at 1 side to get the 2 lnb,s closer together as the metal holders were keeping them too far apart , allowing only 1 to be focussed correctly

    all this was done without any sat meters , just used a tm1500ci with all the channels on it from my motor , and used its built-in strength bars to check the up/down/left/right and the lnb skew

    it really isnt that hard , and anyone with a few tools and a bit of common sense could easily replicate it

    I have another one test on the arm on the shed with an old monoblock on 13 east with 19 east as the offset and tested that today and works perfectly using the tm1500ci+

    and here is my triax multiblock for my 1.1m dish ( not yet attached )

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    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    here are some pictures of an old monoblock on a new raven zone 2 dish I have on test

    the dish is aligned onto 13e hotbird on the right hand lnb looking from the front with astra at 19e being on the left hand lnb and higher up

    this dish appears to be around 14 degrees on the markings on the dish , well the elevation securing nut is around the 14 mark anyway

    this setup works fine for astra and hotbird without any dish modifications , although I would probably recommend a longer arm , typically around 15 inches

    hope this helps

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    Thanks echelon, not to question your wisdom, but just so I fully understand- why will a twin monoblock running to two receivers, not receive hb and astra on each? Your suggestion of multiple dishes sounds ideal, but the only other sat that might interest me is hispasat. I'm only using an 80cm dish but signal strength on hb is around 90% Will try and source a twin sharp lnb, and maybe fabricate some kind of holder-think dish is a Televes? Will let you know.

    To be clear echelon, I was referring to a twin output monoblock if that helps?
    Last edited by mikk; 07-02-2007 at 05:56 PM. Reason: misunderstanding

  17. #17
    V.I.P chrome307's Avatar
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    This is what I meant

    I do have a motorised dish, but I would have loved to have known if I could have attempted something similar just for the following sats:


    Actually thinking about I could have had the 3 Easterly sats setup as shown above and a dish just for 30w

    If you could see where my dish is put up .............. it's a f**** nightmare and it just costs ££'s everytime I need to do something
    ie change the LNB .... check the cables etc
    Last edited by chrome307; 07-02-2007 at 01:43 AM.

  18. #18
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    Hi Guys.
    I have dual feed with Hotbird 13e and Astra 19e with old 80cm mesh dish,
    i will be moving shortly to a flat and my new landlord as givin me permission
    to put a dish up
    My question is can i get away this time with a twin monoblock lnb and a
    60cm dish, and which would be best and able to cope with dual feed.
    I am in the South West of England and would rather have the same set-up
    i have now instead of returning to Sky.
    Many thanks m8s.

  19. #19
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikk View Post
    Thanks echelon, not to question your wisdom, but just so I fully understand- why will a twin monoblock running to two receivers, not receive hb and astra on each? Your suggestion of multiple dishes sounds ideal, but the only other sat that might interest me is hispasat. I'm only using an 80cm dish but signal strength on hb is around 90% Will try and source a twin sharp lnb, and maybe fabricate some kind of holder-think dish is a Televes? Will let you know.

    I have never seen or used or heard of a twin monoblock so cannot answer questions about it

    all I can say is my method above using twin or quad output lnb,s and diseqc switches achieves the task you planned , and a monoblock is normally 2 lnb,s places 6 degrees apart with a built in 2 way diseqc switch , so double it up and you could run 2 receivers , but my way also allows 28 east and maybe another sat too

    for hispasat you need another dish and that is what I have done , put up 2 of these zone 2 dishes , one on 30 west and one on hotbird as shown in the pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by Mardavia40 View Post
    Hi Guys.
    I have dual feed with Hotbird 13e and Astra 19e with old 80cm mesh dish,
    i will be moving shortly to a flat and my new landlord as givin me permission
    to put a dish up
    My question is can i get away this time with a twin monoblock lnb and a
    60cm dish, and which would be best and able to cope with dual feed.
    I am in the South West of England and would rather have the same set-up
    i have now instead of returning to Sky.
    Many thanks m8s.

    a single monoblock works fine on an 80 cm dish , which is what it was designed for , the smaller dishes have a smaller arm due to reduced focal length , and so the 2 lnb,s cannot be placed close enough together which is why a monoblock doesnt work properly on a 60 cm dish or less , and I did say I had to lengthen the dish arms on these raven 2 dishes earlier in my replies , but the monoblock shown in one of my pictures works fine on the zone 2 59cm dish as its 79cm wide so it makes more sense for you to use one of these zone 2 raven dishes like mine and re-use your monoblock

  20. #20
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrome307 View Post

    This is what I meant

    I do have a motorised dish, but I would have loved to have known if I could have attempted something similar just for the following sats:


    Actually thinking about I could have had the 3 Easterly sats setup as shown above and a dish just for 30w

    If you could see where my dish is put up .............. it's a f**** nightmare and it just costs ££'s everytime I need to do something
    ie change the LNB .... check the cables etc
    the lnb multiblock arm I fitted has 2 wings on it for a g*lbert*ni dish and so gives the correct angle ( but I have no idea what that angle is ) when its bolted up , so its all done for you in the design of the arm with the correct angles already bent into the metal arm

    and I too have fitted one of these dishes for 30 west and the one shown for 4 sats in the east

    obviously you cannot get 30 west as well as those in the east from one dish , the angles dont allow it , so 1 dish like shown above and one in a different direction on 30 west works fine , and is my current solution to getting the main sat channels ( 2 receivers , 2 zone two dishes , 2 diseqc switches , 5 lnb,s on 5 sats )

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