reading through this thread, one thing springs to mind about the files you are using

if this is a receiver with an ARM processor, then you want ARM versions of files like oscam , as mentioned by funtime above ^^^

ie:- DO NOT USE anything with MIPS in the title, which is what my boxes use as they are older and have different processors in them

ARM is what is used on android equipment I believe , ie:- a british hardware company with their own chips

so for oscam , ensure that the one being installed is an ARM based one , which will be in its filename when you look for it and download it, installing only ARM ones like the one mentioned in the previous post

MIPS based files may cause you all kinds of problems

so when looking on our forums here, look at the VU boxes that have ARM chips in them, using ARM based files like oscam , because your box is similar to an ARM based VU box

some files will be universal , like maybe config files, but not the executable files like the actual oscam program itself

so please be warned, learn more about your box and look at similar VU boxes , they are not all the same thing

think of it like petrol and diesel, they both do the same job but you do not put diesel into a petrol vehicle , nor vice versa