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Thread: Motorized dish will not move West?

  1. #1
    V.I.P chopper1's Avatar
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    Motorized dish will not move West?

    hi guys,
    turned on the Spiderbox HD6000 receiver today was at hotbird, tried to move it to 5 west then hispasat 30 west but it seemed to remain stuck on 13 east?
    It does move to east satellies such as 23 east 28 east, wonder what would be wrong? ithought it was a motor problem, i bought an icecrypt Icecrypt DM-200 Super DiSEqC 1.2 USUALS Satellite Motor in May 2018 off ********* direct through **** so it should be under warranty? Have sent the seller a message but waiting on a reply!
    Could it be a dish or receiver problem?
    help much appreciated
    thanks, Chopper

  2. #2
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    I'm just messing with a dark motor as I type, are u using USALS? There is a setting in the box where you can do a reset, ie tell dish to go to 0 or goto x, that can fix it, another way is to undo cable at motor end, have box switched off and undo cable on box as well. then re connect.


    ps I had a quick look at that moror, some price!! It looks as if it has 2 little switches one for east and one for west, when at dish you can check its getting power, press either and you may have leds as well.
    Last edited by gbmitie; 27-02-2019 at 05:05 PM.

  3. #3
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    should be able to reset the motor in the spiderbox menu I think , so check or disable the east west limits ?

    also check if you can reset the motor with any switches, plus if it has any east west limits

    and ensure the satellites are ticked in the motor section for all the satellites you want it to move to

  4. #4
    V.I.P chopper1's Avatar
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    thanks gbmitie, yes im using USALS i did unscrew the lnb cable at back of receiver and back on again unfortunately no luck
    Just tried the go to zero on the box
    Have gone to Hotbird then Menu-installation-satellite settings-go to zero-go
    then tried west satellites but no signal or dish not moving

  5. #5
    V.I.P chopper1's Avatar
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    thanks Echelon it may be the west limit has changed though i didn't change anything
    not sure how to do this though can get as far as the menu with the satellites with red tick, on right hand side motor says none now it usually says diseq or USALS must have changed something when going to zero?
    Ive lost everything now except 13 east lol
    Last edited by chopper1; 27-02-2019 at 05:38 PM.

  6. #6
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    make sure the sats you want are ticked on the left side of the menu

    on the right hand side , you want

    Dseqc 1.0/1.1 = NONE
    Uncommitted = NONE
    22K Tone = ON
    Polarity = 13/18 V
    Motor = DiseqC1.2/USALS
    Unicable = NONE

    save and exit

    go back in and click OK on the motor part on the right

    usually its on GO TO SATELLITE

    you can set the east and west limits in that part with left and right arrows, as well as your latitude and longitude etc

  7. #7
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    can you get to dish and remove cable, and then re-connect, also try those buttons. ie make dish move to west/east.

    this is from the manual.

    lnlnstallation page, select SatelliteSetting and press <0K>.
    ln the page displayed, you can use lhe <Left/Righb buttons to change
    the mode, and set the proper salellite parameters.
    (1) Press <Up/Down> toselectamonq satellites.
    (2)Press<0K> to confirm the selection of the cutrently focused satellite.
    (3)Press<Righb to go to the satellite parameter selting page.
    (4)Press<Red> to go into the SAT/TP lilanager page.
    (5)Press<Green> to go into the Automatic SAT Scan page.
    (6)Press<Yellow> Goto postion when motor is Diseqc1.2/USALS.
    Notice; Motor sotting : Switchfocusto motor items, swilchto Disqc1.2/USALS,
    press <0K> enlerMotorsetting Page, aftersetDisqcl.2/USALS,you must Press
    Storesaveit.unicablesetting : As Motorsettling

    I'm using a solo2 these days.

  8. #8
    V.I.P chopper1's Avatar
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    thanks echelon just not sure what the east or west limits are or how to set them for 28 for astra uk east and 30 west for hispasat
    Last edited by chopper1; 28-02-2019 at 07:59 PM.

  9. #9
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    you would choose say astra uk 28 east (or 42 east in my case) in your satellite menu, the dish and motor will move to that location (usually)

    then you go into your satellite settings , motor , ensure it say 28 east (or whatever) at the top ,and then choose east limit and go down to store and OK to store it and say yes to save data

    for 30w , its rinse and repeat but choose 30w first, then go into the west limit and ensure it says hispasat 30w or whatever at the top and choose store west limit and down to store and ok and save it when it asks to save data

  10. #10
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    I think I fixed my motor today, I cut off a bit of lead at both ends and remade them and for the moment all working again. Have you a manual for the motor? From memory to reset I think you send to 0 then remove cable from motor not reveiver. Power off receiver then re-attach cable to motor and power on then select 0.8west and it should either receive channels or move slightly and then receive.

  11. #11
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    Hi In the Spiderbox 6000 motor menu you have the manual option to move the dish manually east or west to determine if dish is actually moving..try this method
    1) Using USALS send dish to a satellite that you know is working ie Hotbird 13 east.
    2) Go into motor menu and make sure you have the following two indicator readings:
    Red line - this indicates if your cable/Lnb are working -it should have a reading of 72.
    Blue line- this is the satellite frequency quality reading. ie 60% 64% etc. This indicates you have found a satellite . If the reading is zero its means you are not on a satellite or your frequency is incorrect. Remember when using a motor you must have valid frequencies in your TP list otherwise you will never find the satellites.
    3) When you are on a satellite ie Hotbird and you have a blue TP quality reading
    then in motor menu go to MODE option and select Position..this is the 1.2Disecq manual mode to move the dish.
    4) Move cursor to the Direction option- this is for moving the dish east or west manually. To go west you press the left volume button next to the OK button. When you press this button you will see the word West flashing up. To go east you press the right volume button and you will see the word east flashing whenever you press the button. By moving the dish west or east you should notice the blue quality reading changing- this indicates that the motor is moving ok. If the reading does not change after say 7 moves west or east then motor is not moving. This could mean that motor is maybe faulty. Hope this helps.. Regards

  12. #12
    V.I.P chopper1's Avatar
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    thanks tried this Karabnga moved the dish west the blue signal bar did not reduce or disappear it looks like either the motor is stuck or not moving west beyond hotbird, not sure how i check my west limits? the co-ordinates are fine for each satellite

  13. #13
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    Hi If the blue signal reading does not change when going west then try going east and see if it changes...another option is to select Disable Limits in mode option. Also double check that all the satellites you wish to go to have a tick next to them .Then try to send dish using Usals to say 30 can tell if dish has moved by looking at it. Hope this helps... Regards

  14. #14
    V.I.P chopper1's Avatar
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    thanks i will try the east first im sure it is movng in that direction its moving west from 13 east that is the problem
    by disabling limits will it over extend the dish east or west?
    Last edited by chopper1; 28-02-2019 at 07:14 PM.

  15. #15
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    yes it would until you set the limits again in the menu

    so a reset means it would travel as far east and west as is possible, which is why you have the option to set a limit for both east and west, in case it may hit a wall for example

  16. #16
    V.I.P chopper1's Avatar
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    signal disappears when i move dish to east so will try disabling limits, not sure how i will know when im on 0.8 west or 5 west or 30 west suppose if i find a similar transponder to hotbird will find out

  17. #17
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    hi... in my opinion limits are not just need to make sure you have a wall mount long enough so that the dish can turn full circle east or west without touching anything.By using the manual 1.2Disecq option you store the satellite positions as you find them thus the limits will be set automatically for each satellite.. With USALS you cannot store satellite positions as its an automatic search .the motor will move the dish and stop on the motor dial corresponding to the degree of the satellite ie Hotbird 13 east means the motor should stop around the 13east mark on the dial if its 30 west then motor should stop around the 30west mark on the dial etc etc.
    I have installed many motors and have never set any limits its a question of knowing what youre doing in my opinion.

  18. #18
    V.I.P chopper1's Avatar
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    cheers so do you use Diseq rather than USALS Kabangara?

    I do watch 30 west hispasat a lot its really the only west satellite i do watch

    So on have you a quick fix how can i get the dish from 13 east to hipasat if it does not work through the menu ?

  19. #19
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    I have a fixed sly zone 2 dish with quad lnb pointed directly at 30w on my back wall and so I can select it if I want to from some of my boxes using diseqc switches, same as I have a zone 1 sly dish pointed at 28 east as well fitted with an OCTO lnb that feeds my sly plus box as well as VU boxes around the house

    an alternative to using a diseqc switch for this task is to use a manual A - B switch , selecting either your motor or the 59cm 30 west dish if you fitted one just for 30 west, like I have (been there about 12 years or more now)

    my point ? you have several options for 30w , in addition to using your motor

    it doesnt fix your motor issue, but would fix your 30 west issue, ie:- think outside the box

    ps:- our point about disabling the limits is we are trying to diagnose why it wont go west past a certain position, so apart from it being faulty, we are assuming that for some reason you have the west limit set at hotbird, whereas the east limit is either NOT SET or is at say 28.2e or 39e or 42e for example

    setting the west limit at 13e would mean it would not go any further west than hotbird, so we are assuming that you have inadvertently set that western limit and we are trying to get you to release that limit by a reset

  20. #20
    V.I.P chopper1's Avatar
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    thats a good set up Echelon you have ! I can pick up all the east satellites except 7 east, have 13, 16, 19.2, 23.5, & 28.2 coming in ok

    Im going to have a go at this either tomorrow or Saturday morning, if i could keep in touch? thanks

    Need to know if the motor is faulty !
    Last edited by chopper1; 01-03-2019 at 12:27 AM.

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