
I have a Vu Uno. I am trying to get my box two work with a VIX image and WLAN. I have flashed the box with the VIX imange (tried oler versions as well) but the WIFI dongle is not being picked up.

I am not able to connect to a LAN to download any other drivers.

I know the dongle works as I can get it set up with the OpnePli image. Have to flash restart and WLAN option comes up. Straight out the box! The WLAN driver appears to be rt2800usb?

Does anyone have any suggestions? Its so simple on the OpenPli but I want the VIX image.

Is it possible to install the drivers from a usb stick? If so how? Should the VIX image recognise the dongle if the PLi does?

Most importantly where can I get the WLAN driver for the VU? Probably the rt2800usb.

Look forward to hearing back from you. Thank you for your help in advance.