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Thread: Experiment to create a new plugin

  1. #1
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    Experiment to create a new plugin

    Just idea - Is there possibility to record all my keystrokes made on the remote control and put them into Python program- how to do that? I would like to do so, such as Microsoft Excel, you can save a Macro and after use it as particles in the program. We have carried out such a thing? If I could log keystrokes on the remote control then I get to know the syntax how to describe it in Python. The first thing I'd do a plugin that makes my desired subtitles and audio channel to all selected programs. I need just log the way how I do it with remote..
    Last edited by zeros; 18-10-2012 at 03:43 PM.

  2. #2
    V.I.P jimrare's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeros View Post
    The first thing I'd do a plugin that makes my desired subtitles and audio channel to all selected programs
    I cannot understand the above sentence. Can you explain what you want? There is already a way to choose a default audio channel for example you don't need a python script to do that.

  3. #3
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    Hi jimrare!
    I need such plugin for my qboxhd and mainly German and Italian programs to choose English as the language of the audio and subtitles. Also I need for local programs to choose my local language = Estonian.
    How do You manage with that problem? I want that all this language selections are at once would be in place!
    At the moment I select all things and it is valid until I restart my box. Annoying is every time after restart my box make new same choices again.
    Last edited by zeros; 18-10-2012 at 07:08 PM.


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