NEMESIS SVN 094r3 On-Line !!!!!

Attention for all users

This Update work only if you have a Nemesis >= SVN 092!!!!

If you have a SVN version < 092, or SSL < 84
please flash a fresh image via Web Interface, follow this:
-Flash SecondStage Loader 84-r0 (nfi version)
-Flash Image SVN 093

Timeline 094r3

-Update gstreamer-plugins
-Update to InitramFS 1.5 (thanks @gutemine)
-Fix small bug on Blue Panel
-Fix dm800se feed
-Add minimum Image SVN version check, before upgrade
-Add enable/disable upgrade Image info on Blue Panel
-Add subrelease versioning
-Add libbluray
-Update enigma2
-Update enigma2-plugins
