Quote Originally Posted by toothfairy View Post
I have both boxes and would prefare the Spiderbox
Can you tell us why please? I bought the spiderbox 9000HD and was considering the Proteck but due to cost difference and the fact it looked like the spiderbox was going to include the gift indefinitely at the time of purchase I bought the spiderbox instead.

I have to admit with the service+ going down I have at times wondered if I made a mistake, and before anyone says it was a gift and free I say the MAIN reason I bought the spiderbox was because of service+ thankfully service+ is starting to come back (especially today with the news about 19east ).

If service+ was not available I would not have bought the spiderbox and I suspect many other people feel the same, I could have bought cheaper stb's without the "gift" so to me there was a monetary cost to buying a receiver with service+ so it was not free, in all likelihood I would have bought the Protek therefore in my opinion service+ WAS part of the contract and calling it free is just marketing.

On the positive side having bought the Spiderbox I have to say the image quality is exceptionally good and there are some features I really like but I don't know if other stb's have the same features as I have nothing to compare it with (other than a humax 5400) hence my question.