via 2.6 key for humax


go to sct channel (hb13e)]
then go to menu --ToH---parser--click provider--enter ( for example 023b00) then index 08 and 18 write these keys

V 023B00 08 94FBD705B719A486101E19A6005A2515
V 020810 08 697409FA34F2BD7B23B48926637F380E
V 020820 08 E304CE15822801D643ACDD54E541BC02
V 021110 08 35F6B9217C2BA83F38C3C1FD23A5D321
V 021120 08 35F6B9217C2BA83F38C3C1FD23A5D321

if keys not included inkeybin