As some of us are aware, this report is verified and is not the result of rumour mongering as has been suggested. It is also well known that the reports of units sold is highly exaggerated, and that many dealers have returned their unsold and unsaleable stock.
There are a few diehard TM users who will defend any TM box to the death, and that's their prerogative but for many users who just want their receivers to work with the expected functions of Enigma2, this box is going to be a disappointment.

Reading from the Technomate site, one sees:

TM-800 HD Linux
19th June 2010
Due to high demand of the TM-800 HD Linux,
we have sold out of stock. Stock will be available from around 15th July 2010. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

This unfortunately translates in reality to

Due to the failure of the ITgate engineers to finish the project, 2000 pieces have been sent back to Korea.

The 15th July date is significant in that Technomate is shut down at that date and there is nobody to take any orders.

reading a later announcement:

3,000 units have been sold successfully since launch with another 4,000 units coming within August, followed by an extra 6,000 units by the end of September.

No more TM 800 receivers will be therefore available until August/September. What happened to July 15th? One has to deduce that there are no more receivers coming soon and that TM is deflecting buyers away from the bad news.

To those of you considering buying these boxes, the best advice at this time is to look elsewhere. You won't be able to get one for some time anyway.