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Thread: Enigma 2 - AZBOX HD

  1. #1041
    V.I.P hfmls's Avatar
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    pls post from original.

    i bet now is a question of money/time!!!!

  2. #1042
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    Never mind here is the original from digital-elite by hexer-0111

    Hier wird demnächst alles hineinkommen was E2 und Azbox betrifft. Osiris und ich werden euch immer auf den Neuesten Stabd halten was dieses Thema Betrifft, Bitte müllt diesen Tread nicht voll, dafür ist der E2 Labertread jetzt da, hier kommen nur sachen rein die Hand und Fuss haben.

    Hier mal ein kleiner Zwischenbericht zwecks E2 von @Netgic

    Zitat: Im Moment wird ja an einem Hybrid E2 für die Azbox gearbeitet.

    Das bedeutet nichts anderes als das bei der Original Firmware das TV Modul entfernt wurde und gegen das von E2 getauscht wurde.

    Im Moment siehts so aus das:

    - fb is eingebaut
    - python wurde umgeschrieben
    - glibc umgeschrieben noch nicht fertig
    - dfb okay
    - linuxdvbapi soll fertig sein
    - gtk+ wird auch neu geschrieben für az

    Das das alles natürlich mega laggi läuft und es min. 1jahr vergehen wird bis alles einigermaßen okay ist sollte sich jeder denken können.
    Aber zumindest würd dann für eure Box was passieren.

    SO March or April 2011 is near At least we know for sure that team works on that...
    Last edited by pegaman; 31-03-2010 at 08:05 PM.

  3. #1043
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    Guys.. here is the original post (in german):

    Hier mal ein kleiner Zwischenbericht zwecks E2 von @Netgic

    Zitat: Im Moment wird ja an einem Hybrid E2 für die Azbox gearbeitet.

    Das bedeutet nichts anderes als das bei der Original Firmware das TV Modul entfernt wurde und gegen das von E2 getauscht wurde.

    Im Moment siehts so aus das:

    - fb is eingebaut
    - python wurde umgeschrieben
    - glibc umgeschrieben noch nicht fertig
    - dfb okay
    - linuxdvbapi soll fertig sein
    - gtk+ wird auch neu geschrieben für az

    Das das alles natürlich mega laggi läuft und es min. 1jahr vergehen wird bis alles einigermaßen okay ist sollte sich jeder denken können.
    Aber zumindest würd dann für eure Box was passieren. __________________

  4. #1044
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    (The all natural mega laggi runs and min.
    1 year will pass away until everything is somewhat okay should think everyone can.
    But then'd happen at least for what your box.)

    in english pls

  5. #1045
    V.I.P hfmls's Avatar
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    from what i understand it means it's slow and with bugs, and it will take 1 year to get stable and fast. but at least we will get it for our box

  6. #1046
    V.I.P 4@@@@'s Avatar
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    And they also wrote, that there is no relase date mentioned. It was interpreted by others. But it looks like they are working on it.
    If you have a look at the "sh4 duckbox project" - it also needed some time to get there were is is now - working E2, Neutrino and VDR on the ufs910
    I'll be there if it starts

  7. #1047
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    Quote Originally Posted by leerock View Post
    I m not trying to hurt you m8
    I m just saying my opinion...

    Ok maybe you were right about this e2 subject...
    We don t know yet...

    But that s not what bothers me on you...
    I think you are the most ironic person in here...
    And i don t mean this E2 thread...
    I mean in the whole forum...
    I ve been using this forum for many months and i ve spotted you in many threads treating other users with a very ironic attitude...
    like you are the "know it all person" and everybody else in here is stupid...

    Well guess what
    you are nothing...

    there are people in here like "the ripper" who are offering a lot to the community and keep a low profile...
    They treat other people with respect...

    Ok mr. "Know it all"?
    No not OK @all

    I'am helping every one with Azbox
    Generaly I have the same opinion as Nabilo I'am happy with my Azbox as it is.
    Shure there's room for improvement

    I just stay to the facts ( not rumours from some reseller that saying something over msn).

    I'am right about E2 ( yes I can and I compile E2 images ) so I know what it takes. And for Azbox there's just no sources.

    Messages on are there yes, but..............
    they haven't enough knowlegde and sources and furthermore is forum from

    Thats my answer to you mr Bigshot Leerock!

  8. #1048
    V.I.P Dstream's Avatar
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    Enough is enough with the personal insults. I`m sat here with my size nine steel toecaps on and i`m annoyed how this thread is turning into a flame war.


    your acting like school kids not adults. The next insult traded by whom ever will sit for 7 days in the wilderness.

    rant over

  9. #1049
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    Another post related to E2

    And now another post found on a bulgarian forum : dvb-bg
    This one is from a member called "rumen" dated today.
    Original post:
    За успокоение на всички работата продължава.
    Не мога да посоча точна дата, но със сигурност няма да е в следващите дни.
    Поне докато не сме напреднали в работата, иначе Netgic нямаше постоянно да търси помощ.
    За Multicas-а не трябва никой да съжалява, а който иска да си го ползва ще трябва да си остане на официалния софтуер.
    Целта на цялото мероприятие е най-после да се ползват камовете за Dreambox.
    Освен това другите предимства са: - по-бързо превключване на каналите, по-добро EPG и т.н.
    Скептиците, които казват, че камовете за Dream няма да работят въз основа на хардуерните различия да си припомнят варианта със cccam 2.1.4
    Sigma процесора също е Mips. Причината за не толкова стабилната работа са различните Api-та и именно в това е смисъла на цялата разработка.
    Накрая ние всички ще имаме изгода от това.
    Който не желае да чака може да си продаде бокса и да се ориентира към друг приемник.
    Аз за съжаление не мога да ускоря процеса.
    Честно казано едва ли има Linux приемник, който да работи абсолютно безпроблемно (а аз ги имам почти всичките).

    Translation by google:
    For peace of all the work continues.
    I can not say exact date, but certainly will not be in the coming days.
    At least until we have advanced in the work, otherwise Netgic would constantly seeking assistance.
    For Multicas-and no one should be sorry, but who wants to use it will have to remain the official software.
    The aim of the whole event is finally enjoying a Kamov Dreambox.
    Furthermore, other advantages are: - faster channel switching, better EPG, etc.
    Skeptics who say that about Dream Kamov will not work on the hardware differences to remember options with cccam 2.1.4
    Sigma also CPU Mips. The reason for less stable employment are different Api-so and it is in this sense the whole work.
    Finally, we all will have profit from it.
    Who do not want to wait to sell his pen and to navigate to another receiver.
    I unfortunately can not speed up the process.
    Honestly, there is hardly a Linux box to work absolutely seamlessly (and I have almost all of them).

  10. #1050
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    Source correction

    In fact the last post is reported to a member in the german forum: this member's name is colla:
    Here is the original complete post by "colla":
    Also um alle zu beruhigen
    die Arbeit schreitet voran

    ein Release Datum kann ich euch aber nicht geben
    (davon abgesehen würde ich euch auch keines geben weil man dann von euch darauf festgenagelt wird )
    sicherlich nicht in den nächsten Tagen
    soweit ist die Arbeit noch nicht voran geschritten
    sonst würde Netgic ja auch nicht nach weiteren Helfern fragen

    Dem Multicas muss nun wirklich niemand nachtrauern
    wer das verwenden möchte kann doch problemlos bei der Original Software bleiben

    Ziel der ganzen Arbeit ist jedoch endlich die von den HD Dreamboxen bekannten Softcamds verwenden zu können
    Neben den anderen Vorteilen
    schnellere Umschaltzeiten, besseres EPG usw
    Zweifler die meinen die Dream Softcamds würden nicht gehen aufgrund der Hardware Unterschiede die mögen sich doch bitte mal das cccam 2.1.4 angucken
    Das ist das normale binary von der Dream (der Sigma Prozessor ist ein Mips)
    Das es nicht so stabil läuft liegt an den beiden grundverschiedenen Apis
    Und genau deshalb macht die ganze Arbeit Sinn

    am ende werden wir alle davon profitieren
    Wer nicht warten möchte
    möge seine Box verkaufen und sich für ein anderes Produkt entscheiden
    Ich kann das ganze leider nicht beschleunigen

    Aber ganz ehrlich
    es gibt kaum einen Linux Receiver der wirklich sauber läuft (und ich habe sie fast alle )
    Die ganzen Receiver die auf STi Chipsätzen basieren (Kathi IPBoxen Octagon usw) haben auch nur ein höchst wackeliges Enigma2
    Der Coolstream (huhu Bofhell ) hat als einziger Receiver überhaupt einen Arm Prozessor was ihn für Softcamd Entwickler recht uninteressant macht (mangelnde Verbreitung)
    Und der VU+ hat rechtliche Problem (und Cocksy nebenbei auch. Ich zitiere ihn einfach mal

    And of course the google translation is:
    So to reassure all
    the work is progressing

    A release date I can give you not
    (Except I would also give you none because you will then nailed one of you on it)
    certainly not in the next few days
    where the work is still not striding ahead
    otherwise would not Netgic also ask for more helpers

    The Multicase must really mourn, no one
    who want to use but can easily stay with the original software

    The aim of the whole work, however, finally be able to use the HD Dreamboxes known Softcamds
    In addition to other benefits
    faster switching times, better EPG, etc.
    Doubters who think the Dream Softcamds would not go because of hardware differences, like each time but please look at the cccam 2.1.4
    This is the normal binary of the Dream (the Sigma is a Mips processor)
    It's not stable, is fundamentally different in the two Apis
    And exactly why does all the work make sense

    in the end we will all benefit
    Who does not want to wait
    may sell his box and choose a different product
    I can not speed up the whole, unfortunately,

    But in all honesty
    there is hardly a receiver that runs Linux really clean (and I have almost all)
    The entire receiver chipsets based on STi (Kathi IPBox Octagon, etc.) have only a very shaky Enigma2
    The Coolstream (huhu Bofhell) has only one receiver at all an arm processor which makes it very unattractive for developers Softcamd (lack of dissemination)
    And the VU + has a legal problem (and incidentally also Cocksy. I quote him just once

  11. #1051
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    @ hfmls
    any conclusion about the last 2 posts?:respect-014:

  12. #1052
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    To be honest I used to enjoy getting real news from this forum but lately all it seems to be doing is slagging each other off and speaking of speculation from other forums.

    This thread just seems to be stuck in an infinate loop at this stage.

    Happy April Fools day to all!

    Bring back real news and facts otherwise stick with the other forums and leave their rumours there.:beatdeadhorse5:

  13. #1053
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    @ all members

    more than 700 viewed the last posts..... & not even 1 comment !!!!
    why that strange silence? :18:

  14. #1054
    V.I.P hfmls's Avatar
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    i won't comment without my trust source...sorry.
    but it wont take an year!! LOL

    they are making some €pressure€

  15. #1055
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    Quote Originally Posted by halabessa View Post
    @ all members

    more than 700 viewed the last posts..... & not even 1 comment !!!!
    why that strange silence? :18:
    you are correct m8. but what comments ? everything was said. flaminh, insulting, praise . all together.
    personally speaking, i read this topic everyday and enjoy some good posts and waiting to read some good news.
    i am thankful that some respected people on the scene are working on e2 . i know that its not easy but we must respect their work and what they already offered us.
    on the other hand, opensat continues to sleep ignoring all of us. silence, very little progress on their fw for more than a year now. nothing more to comment on it.
    i am still using my box for basic tv viewing.all other needs are covered by my trusty htpc.
    i am so confused about current situation. i am "on the edge" to get rid of my azbox.only the hope of a great fw by the people i mentioned before keeps my box next to my tv. name it e2 , hybrid or anything u like.

  16. #1056
    V.I.P hfmls's Avatar
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    we can expect directFB soon in oficial firmwares.
    gotta confirm lindvbapi situation. but directFB is a 100% sure.

    i got be honest, i would prefer lindvbapi + directFB in original firmware. And leave weeks..for enigma 2 to come out stable i dunno.

    we just gotta wait a few more days i think. Many people getting involved, and getting into the boat.

    but i'm SURE it's a question of money now.

  17. #1057
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    Quote Originally Posted by hfmls View Post
    we can expect directFB soon in oficial firmwares.
    gotta confirm lindvbapi situation. but directFB is a 100% sure.
    Thats what I said:

    Opensat is looking @ the posibility for new and faster GUI (dfb? I don't know )
    So far they only looking at the posibilty they are not building it (yet )
    As for building it that was on the beginning of march maybe they are building now I don't know.

    Will ask around

  18. #1058
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    Quote Originally Posted by hfmls View Post
    we can expect directFB soon in oficial firmwares.
    gotta confirm lindvbapi situation. but directFB is a 100% sure.

    i got be honest, i would prefer lindvbapi + directFB in original firmware.
    And what do directFB and lindvbapi do exactly, in relation to the official firmware, or otherwise?


  19. #1059
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    If this enigma software running on their appearance or they may present evidence or keep quiet forever

  20. #1060
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    In myazbox forum, one member post this:

    Enigma 2 is out.

    April is in....

    I think wath the moment the ambient on internet Is not tittle of post aproppiate....

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