
before I try this new flash image https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthrea...748#post692748 for the dm800 I want to backup what I have already , just in case , and especially as the new flash is supposed to wipe my usb stick

I am running oozoon in the flash and have several images on the usb stick , including the one I use which is blackhole 0.11G2

I have booted into oozoon and backed up all the usb stick images onto my attached sata hdd into mb_images , so I assume these are now backed up and ready to be readded later

I now want to backup my current settings in blackhole 0.11G2 so I booted into it and tried to look in barry allen and also in the system manager for backup abilities

one I found allows an enigma2 settings backup , but does not allow me to set any location or any settings , it just backs up and I have no idea where it has done it to

so does anyone know the exact procedure for me to backup my settings in bh0.11g2 onto my sata hdd , so that the new flash will pickup and use these settings on installation ?

how do I enter advanced system manager exactly ?

thank you