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Thread: Timeshift Not possible

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  1. #1
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    Timeshift Not possible

    Just started getting this error when pressing yellow button.

    Not done anything that I know of that would cause this?! Only thing I know I've done in between was to update the system plugins, which updated barry allen. Doesn't work when using gemini 4.6 and nabilo images 0.12, which I know were both working before?!

    Any ideas?! Could I have deleted a file or folder somewhere?!


  2. #2
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    Well, think I've found out what the problem is. According to my dreambox, I only have 486mb or so free on my hdd ... previously I had around 25gb free. Looking around on my hdd through ftp, I only have 426.88gb used (yes, ONLY, hehe), and according to the dm, the capacity of the disk is 427.9gb. However, this is a 500gb drive, and previously, it had something like around 465gb capacity.

    So, where has this 35-40gb of space gone to? Any help greatly appreciated...

  3. #3
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    OK, now, when I go in to blue panel in gemini, and then the devices menu, it says capacity 476.9gb, free 466.8mb. But as stated, going through the hdd thru ftp, I only have 428gb used. So, where are the 50gbs missing? Is it likely to be in the back, lost+found or usr folder? As these are apparantly 0Bytes, but guessing they might be system files/folders...

    It's really annoying me now why this has happened? This morning when I recorded something through normal recording, I had about 18gb free. This evening (when saying I couldn't do timeshift), it said I had 18gb free, so deleted a file, and then it said I had around 25gb free. Now, after a bit of searching around etc, it's reporting everywhere that I only have 466.8mb free. So what gives.

    Could really do with some help on this one guys!

    Also, after running the command "df" in telnet, I get the following for the hdd:

    Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/hda1 473086160 448188932 478028 100% /media/hda1

    So, if I have 448188932 used, from a totla of 473086160, how come I'm using 100%?!?! Grrrrrr
    Last edited by loveman; 19-01-2010 at 08:58 PM.

  4. #4
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    OK, next thing I've done was to move one of my recordings on to a usb hdd, which freed up 2.5gb, so I now have 3gb free according to the video button. Now, I can use timeshift. But I'm just wondering where the other 20gb or so that I originally had has gone missing to?!

    This is a complete mystery and has totally baffled me

  5. #5
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    OK, to totally baffle me even more...

    Had timeshift running to check it out. Stopped the timeshift, only have 2.4gb free afterwards. Anyway, decided to reboot the box back in to nabilo (was in gemini at this point, but had already rebooted box/unplugged/tried few things and nothing had worked). Anyway, box boots back in to nabilo 012, and reports the full 28gb free that I had originally. Tried timeshift, and it worked fine?!

    One thing that I did notice though, is that in the /media/ folder, it only showed me a symlink for /media/hdd/ and had the /media/usb and /media/hda1.

    So looks that basically it wasn't mounting everything correctly. No idea why that was as hadn't changed anything that I know of...

    Anyway, hopefully this is all working back again now, so will see how things go!

  6. #6
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    OK, anyone help with this?!

    Only thing that I'm thinking of, is that I've installed the 20100117 drivers, and have only really noticed this happening since then...

    But basically, I've got rid of everything from the box (apart from the recordings). Took the time to change my usb stick from the old 1gb to a new 8gb (had 1 lying around, so thought why not?!). Installed the latest oozoon in to flash, then went back around in to installing the nabilo and gemini images for a start.

    Everything seemed to be ok, but tonight I went to do a timeshift, and "Timeshift not available" message comes up again. Click video button, and apparantly I only have 378.5mb free. Weird how last night I had over 20gb and haven't recorded or even watch the box?!

    Only thing that I have done with the box that I can think of was to use the webif to do a few things... So not sure whether the webif is what is causing the problems (thinking back, I'd used the webif everytime I noticed this error had occurred), whether it's the newer drivers, or the combination of this...

    I checked in the ftp of the box, and in the /media/ folder, I have the following:

    hdd (symlink)

    However, when I've used the box yest morning and timeshift worked, I know that there were more options in there (hdd wasn't a symlink, there was a usb & usb2 folder, cf folder and a few more).

    Anyone else experienced this? Would it be worth contacting dmm or not?

    Tomorrow or weekend, will have to go about re-installing the images all over again, and just using the 20100104 drivers I think, as they are the last released "stable" drivers iirc...

    Sorry for my ramblings. Hope someone else here can chip in with any problems they've had though?!

  7. #7
    vip cyprusdunc's Avatar
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    Could be a driver issue,I have a few problems with this too,but it happens when I run timeshift and the memory in use %age is high 97/98 and then it wont even acknowledge yellow button has been pressed,only thing to make it work is to restart the box.
    Could be that you are also low on memory(have you got a swap file set up?),I have had various issues of failed recordings(set from the epg) and afterwards set a swap to overcome this,have never seen it used since installing.
    it seems to me if you have same memory issue that the used memory is not reset and hangs at this high level,I have used timeshift to try and clear the memory as it works doing this,it is during this process that I find timeshift locking up,I digress slightly from your original problem but hope this helps.
    My box is a genuine one,I am running oozoon lite in flash with the latest updates and edg nem rc3 under Barry Allen, Dunc.

  8. #8
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    cheers for that dunc...

    I had a swap file setup, so it shouldn't be that causing the prob?!

    Have just finished transferring my recordings over to an external hdd, so have just formatted the hdd. Gonna clear the usb stick again, get rid of everything totally and try once again... Hopefully this will clear up the issue completely.

    One thing tho that could be causing was the actual hdd usage. I connected the hdd from my dm800 in to my laptops sata drive, and ran slax live disk. In slax, it reported that there was only 7gb free on the drive. Checked my recordings folder and mb_images and a pictures folder I created on the hdd, and everything came up to around 430gb. The disk said it had a capacity of around 460gb. So where's the missing 23gb gone?!

    Also, why does slax report the hdd free space as 7gb, the dm800 report it as either 24gb or 500mb (or figures there about ) whenever it feels like it?!

    I'm just hoping it was the hdd that was getting full the 800 having problems with the way it reports it.

    Will let you know back tho once I managed to get it all sorted (hopefully by end of today, but depends on family )

  9. #9
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    OK, just cleared everything off everything, reinstalled oozoon in flash, updated to 17012010 drivers, installed a couple of images in ba, and all seems to be working ok at the mo...

    Basically, I think that what it is, is that when you create the hdd in linux, it uses 5% of the hdd for root. It looks like the dreambox displays the hdd available size without the allocated space taken into account... Hence the reason why it wasn't letting me record.

    Apparantly, you can stop it from taking up this space, but the programme isn't available on the dreambox to do it (can't remember what the name of it is), and I can't be bothered to take out the hdd from box again to it on the laptop. So, will just make sure that I always leave it so that it shows about 20gb free...

    Hopefully this experience will help others

  10. #10
    vip cyprusdunc's Avatar
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    It will help as not a lot about the workings of these boxes in respect to memory usage is available from postings on forums
    Keep an eye on your ram memory is use figures,this also has a bearing on how your box reacts,I get up into the nineties with most of the extra ram taken as a buffer,more problems occur in this range of memory usage and I m not sure what would trigger the memory in use to drop to its restarted(clean) figure which I have seen as anything from 45% to 71%,with me it steadily creeps up to the high figure,running a timeshift operation or a recording sometimes returns this figure to the lower level by emptying the buffer,but not always.
    Has any member got an insight into how this memory is used and how/why it is(buffer) emptied? Dunc.

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