vBulletin Message

Important Announcement: Satpimps was hacked in the early hours of Thursday, 25th April, 2024. The MYSQL database was trashed. Unfortunately, the database backup procedure also happens in the early hours of the morning. The backup database file was overwritten by the trashed database. The timing of this attack was perfect for maximum impact. So, the whole forum has been destroyed, and I don't have a working backup file to restore it, as it was overwritten by the trashed db. To be on the safe side, if you use the same email address, username and password on other websites please change your passwords immediately. Update Friday 26th April. I managed to find a backup of the database on my local machine, late into Thursday afternoon. The problem is, this database is over 1 years old. Therefore, all posts have been lost for the last year. All donators, I've had to go through and manually add your status back. All new members who upgraded to verified member have also been manually re-entered into the database. However, you won't be able to login without first resetting your passwords. All new members who joined after 16 February, 2023, who didn't upgrade to verified membership have been lost, sorry. I had to wipe the server so you'll notice your avatars are gone. Unfortunately, we have lost all the files, so any attachments won't be accessible from posts earlier than 26 April, 2024. I'm really sorry this has happened. It was touch and go for a moment. We nearly didn't come back from this! If I hadn't found this old database on my local machine, we'd have been screwed. Before you login, please clear your cookies for Satpimps prior to ticking the remember me option. I noticed a problem when attempting to login, this morning. I got the following error... Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Size of a request header field exceeds server limit. Additionally, a 400 Bad Request error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDo***ent to handle the request. Regards, hda5 Additional update: After turning the forum back on at 9am on Friday 26th April, 2024 I see we are now under a DDoS attack. Therefore, I can't re-open the forum today.